Global Medical Information

Vertex Global Medical Information’s mission is to provide customers with accurate, timely and scientific information in response to unsolicited requests pertaining to Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated products/investigational compounds.

You may contact Vertex Global Medical Information by telephone or email for any inquiries. You may also report an adverse event, other safety information, or product complaint to Vertex Global Medical Information. Vertex also encourages reporting of adverse events or other safety information as outlined by the local regulatory agency.

Please note that any personal information sent to one of the e-mail addresses below will be used solely to respond to your unsolicited request or handle your adverse event/product complaint report. Further information about how Vertex uses and shares personal information can be found in the Vertex Privacy Policy.



Argentina 800-266-1580
Australia 1800-179-987
Austria 0800‐080‐062
Bahrain 80080553
Belgium 0800‐8‐1397
Brazil 0800-047-4048
Bulgaria 008001194479
Canada 877-634-8789
Chile 800-395-288
Colombia 1-800-012-5560
Cyprus 8009‐2549
Czech Rep 800‐701‐553
Denmark 80‐609301
Estonia 800-004-45-36
Finland 0800‐9‐4476
France 0805‐54‐1055
Germany 0800‐723‐5282

Greece 00‐800‐44‐145‐110
Hungary 06‐809‐87‐489
Ireland 1‐800‐924‐568
Israel 1-809-388-114
Italy 800‐924045
Jordan 080-0228-35
Latvia 8000‐4681
Lithuania 880031655
Luxembourg 800‐2‐5979
Macedonia 080080565
Malta 80062337
Mexico 1-800-253-0458
Netherlands 0800‐020‐0837
New Zealand 0508 553 435
Norway 800‐30755
Oman 80074282
Poland 800‐702‐625

Portugal 800‐2‐09168
Romania 0800‐896‐761
Russia 88005510402
Saudi Arabia 800-844-3907
Serbia 0800500415
Slovakia 0800‐126‐302
Slovenia 0800‐810‐68
South Africa 080-0000-507
Spain 800‐90‐0599
Sweden 020‐98‐0755
Switzerland 0800‐00‐0054
Turkey 00-800-4488-26565
United Arab Emirates 8000-444-1004
United Kingdom 0800‐028‐2616
United States 877-634-8789
Uruguay 0004135985766

  For any countries not listed above call: +1-877-634-8789 (North America)
    +353 (0)1 761 7299 (Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe)
    +55-11-4700-2942 (Latin America)



United States


Latin America

Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe